Monday, March 30, 2009



1. Mata Kuliah: Speaking 3
2. Sks/Semester: 2/3
3. Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
4. Dosen Pembina: Amrin Batubara, S.Pd., M.Pd.

5. Deskripsi mata kuliah:
The teaching materials will consist of various types of topics related to personal, social, national problems, and educational problems.

6. Tujuan
This course is designed to train the students to become fluent speaker of English in the form of group discussion. Specifically, it is intended to demonstrate how to carry out a meeting, discussion, debate, or presentation. The class activities will be mostly group discussion and presentation with possible variations such as games.

7. Jadwal dan materi Perkuliahan:

Pertemuan MATERI
Pertemuan 1 - 3 Effective Presentation
(presentation structure; key features of an effective
presentation; various expressions used in presentation)
Pertemuan 4 Language of meetings (Discussion 1)
Pertemuan 5 Presenting an argument (Discussion 2)
Pertemuan 6 Opinions (Discussion 3)
Pertemuan 7 Agreeing and Disagreeing (Discussion 4)
Pertemuan 8 Interrupting (Discussion 5)
Pertemuan 9 Middle Test
Pertemuan 10 Clarifying (Discussion 6)
Pertemuan 11 Proposal (Discussion 8)
Pertemuan 12 Persuading (Discussion 9)
Pertemuan 13 Compromising (Discussion 11)
Pertemuan14-15 Presentations (Individual)
Pertemuan 16 Final Test

7. Referensi:

a. Jeremy Comfort (1995). Effective Presentation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
b. Nina O’Driscoll and Andrian Pilbeam (1987). Meetings and Discussions. London: Longman
Group Limited.
c. Malcolm Coodale (1995). The Language of Meetings. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
d. Selected articles on related topics from newspapers, magazines or other sources.

8. The Evaluation System:
A = Assignment scores
Q = Quiz scores
M = Middle test score
F = Final test core

The Final Score = { ( 4 x A+Q ) + ( 2 x M ) + ( 4 x F ) } : 10

The Grade Intervals:
A ≥ 90; AB = 80 - 89; B = 70 - 79
BC = 60 - 69; C = 50 - 59; D = 40 - 49; E≤ 39


Attendance ≥ 60 % of the total meetings
All discussion papers and slights must be submitted by the end of the third session.
All presentation papers and slights must be submitted by the end of the 13th session.
Papers and power point slights must be submitted in flash disk or cd room.

Dr. Amrin Batubara, S.Pd., M.Pd.


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